J4012 Jetpack 6 No wifi

On J4012 (Orin NX 16GB) I’ve put jetpack 6 as instructed in WIKI.

Previously on Jetpack 5.1.1, the Intel AX200i. Now on JP6, the Wi-fi doesn’t work. Only LAN connection works :frowning:


We will be coming out with a new version of the JP6 image pack in the near future. We apologize for any inconvenience caused!

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HI there!

On wiki I see this version:

Is the new one? I do not remember the exact version I flashed a week ago.

Thank you!

Yes, the package name you post is the newest one. My colleague has now put the latest version of the J401 JP6 package into the wiki. Thank you all for your patience!

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I’ll flash it today! :slight_smile:

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The flash image it seems to be bugger than the last one.

There are less errors, but I still cannot make the Intel AX200 to work properly…

I have to test some more workarounds

[I still cannot make the Intel AX200 to work properly…]

I am experiencing a similar issue. I am looking for a solution.

Dear community,

I am currently experiencing significant difficulties with my Seeed ReComputer Orin NX 16GB setup and seek your assistance.

Problem Description:

  1. Wi-Fi Module:
    Hardware: Intel 8265NGW.
    Jetpack: 6 (Installed as guided on the Seeed’s procedure)
    Issue: Although the Wi-Fi module is connected, the system indicates “No Wi-Fi adapter found.” Only the Ethernet connection is functional.
    Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
    Attempted installation of drivers using sudo apt install iwlwifi-modules. This approach did not resolve the issue, although it worked previously when I flashed the Seeed NX with the SDK Manager.
    Downloaded the driver from Intel’s website, copied it to /lib/firmware, reinstalled linux-firmware, and rebooted. This also did not resolve the issue.
  2. USB to CAN Connection:
    The connection is not being established, despite following standard procedures.

Additional Context:

The same ubuntu setup especially concernned with the CAN setup has been tested and works flawlessly on other devices, including Jetson Orin Nano, NUCs, and AGX.
The issues seem to be isolated to the Seeed ReComputer Orin NX 16GB and Seeed ReComputer Orin Nano 4GB.

I am seeking guidance on resolving these issues promptly, as it is critical for my ongoing projects. Your assistance and recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

We apologize for the inconvenience! We will review the image package we provided again. Troubleshooting to see if this problem occurs

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@shashank CAN is for driver motor control?

Our engineers have only done testing for Intel 8265NGW at this time. If there is a situation where the WiFi module is not recognized, you can follow the steps below:

sudo rm /lib/modules/5.15.136-tegra/build
sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-5.15.136-tegra-ubuntu22.04_aarch64/3rdparty/canonical/linux-jammy/kernel-source/ /lib/modules/5.15. 136-tegra/build
sudo apt install -y iwlwifi-modules

Hope the above steps will help you!

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Thank you @Seeed_Seraphina! After your response I’ve tried several times exactly how it was written and after many errors I’ve made it work. On your second line of terminal commands I think there’s a
typo error

/lib/modules/5.15. 136-tegra/build

Here I think is an extra SPACE character after 5.15.

This is what has worked in my case. Perhaps there are unnecessary commands and some linux guru can make it better.

sudo rm /lib/modules/5.15.136-tegra/build

sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-5.15.136-tegra-ubuntu22.04_aarch64/3rdparty/canonical/linux-jammy/kernel-source/ /lib/modules/5.15.136-tegra/build

sudo apt install -y iwlwifi-modules

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo reboot

sudo modprobe iwlwifi

sudo lspci | grep Network

sudo dmesg | grep iwl

nmcli device wifi list
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Yes! CAN is for the VESC I am using. I use the 4 wheel drive robot and hence I need CAN so that I can drive it on the differential wheel drive.

I will try the solution @Seeed_Seraphina @Vivio you have given for the WiFi and get back to you soon!



In my case the drivers are two Odrive’s. I have to see if I’ll use an Raspberry PI with CAN hat as slave and Orin NX as master or NX can drive directly the CAN hat.

In your cas is an USB 2 CAN solution, right?

Hello to all, I own a Jetson Orin Nano 8GB
I was able to flash the JetPack version 6.x following the Docs: Flash Jetpack | Seeed Studio Wiki

I have now a blocking problem, because I’m not able to restore the WiFi connection: I get always the error Unable to locate package iwlwifi-modules

Here my output: unnamed hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

I hope @Seeed_Seraphina can help me, because I really don’t know what is happening

Hello @lunard .
I would like to confirm two points of information to you:

  1. what is the full name of the device you are using, the recomputer J3011 (orin nano 8GB)?
  2. do you have a wifi module installed and what model is it. For mini pcie use it is recommended that you check this wiki:
    Interfaces Usage | Seeed Studio Wiki