📣 It's LIVE stream Night tonight...GET notified! Great INFO and it's FREE

:mega: Take a NAP now! That’s right so you can tune in and Check out the latest info, all sorts of shenanigans :slight_smile: :+1: Demo’s, Give Aways and discount codes. Oh’ and FRANK too :sunglasses: :v:

Lots of good info and sometimes Prizes for anyone and everyone. You see the latest 7 color E-ink display WOW! I want one of those for sure. :grinning:
Hope to see you there,

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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Im afraid I am going to miss it again!.. What Da?

Hi there,
10 minutes or so to go , I got to take the beagles for quick run around the area so I’ll be a tad late maybe :crossed_fingers:hope they don’t get on a scent of Possum or racoon… :smile:
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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how did you know they were going to say beaglebone?

LOL, I have one… and two four legged ones.

inspecting the cooler before the road trip on 4th july (my moms b-day) :slight_smile:
I need some AI for them…LOL

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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