Issue with installing Base Hat for Raspberry Pi 3B running Ubuntu18.04.4 LTS

Setup: Raspberry Pi 3B running Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS code name = bionic) 4.15.0-1061-raspi2
I want to install Grove Base Hat to activate communication with analogue sensors from Raspberry Pi.

I did;
curl -sL | sudo bash -s -

Result: installation FAILED, FAILED, FAILED with below (negative) messages;
main: line 30: lua: command not found
main: line 82: dtparam: command not found
dpkg-query: package 'libbma456` is not installed and no information is available
E: Unable to locate package libbma456

This issue stays even after I installed lua command like, “sudo apt install lua5.3”
Can anyone advise what else is wrong.
Would it be better to switch to Raspbian OS to do it?

thank you.

Ubuntu 18.04 is not an official system maintained by RPI and has many defects. @Kenji_Iijima

Thank you very much. By switching to Rasbian, it is much better