Is it possible to use arithmetic functions before forwarding

I have the temperature sensor and a ledbar which has 10 individual bars.
If I measure temperature in degree Celsius I get a float of around 17.5 if I forward this float to the led bar all LEDs are always on(for temps above 10°) so it would be cool if I just could make an offset of minus 15 or so…

I tried sensorvalue-15 but it failed. Is this possible? If yes how? Is there a kind of manual which commands can be used?

Hi Wio,

IFTTT just post the parameter to string and send to my server.

I think you can write program with python with the API.
And do math logic with program.

Python example: … ash_led-py

I don’t use an additional server, I thought it might work but I could not find the right documentation…

Does this really don’t work?
I like how easy the IFTTT thing is but I hate that you touch the borders of so quickly…

LOL , I have received a lot of good ideas about IFTTT from this forum. I try next week to give you a test channel, to add this feature.

Hi wio,

I add this feature on test Channel. Invite url:

Now only enable on Action/Drive any Grove.

How to use:
First character need “=”.
={{Ingredient}} -15

Support operators: +, -, *, /, ().

屏幕快照 2016-05-20 18.40.26.png
Hope you like it. Any question let me know


Hey Wio(nice name lol),

Have you tried out the new feature?
We developed it based on your suggestion.
Look forward to your feedback.
Feel free to post your project on Wio’s recipe!
We will def highlight it!