IP67 certification

Hi all,

the “reComputer J4011” (https://www.seeedstudio.com/reComputer-J4011-p-5585.html?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4bipBhCyARIsAFsieCyUS9fLubdwVQY4RO03Y7rI5QhT-AzOFbYbCmBvMdYPijngEN95NE4aAnnhEALw_wcB) is advertised as being built for industrial use but I couldnt find any mention of it being dust proof or having the IP67 certification.

Which makes me wonder what kind of industrial use is it designed for? We have a very dusty environment so I want to make sure our edge device could survive.


I think you can contact NVDIA and ask all the details about its certifications.

NVIDIA only makes the board, IP certification depends on the enclosure. I said IP67 in the title, but any IP5x would do as we need these to be fully dust proof, not water proof.

Hi there, I doubt any of that as-is. Has more slots and vents than a cheese grater.
ip67 say’s O-rings and gaskets and no Particle intrusion. So NO way this thing is.
my .02
GL :slight_smile: PJ

With this picture, it is pretty obvious. The one on Mouser made me wonder if these were heatsink fins or slots. Thx!

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Sorry, J4011 industrial does not have IP level certification. It uses passive heat dissipation to prevent dust. By the way, the link to reComputer J4011 industrial is this: