iOS App Development with Xiao ESP32 S3

I’m working with the XIAO ESP32-S3, and I was wondering if there was a way to develop an iOS app that can communicate and connect to the XIAO ESP32-S3 microcontroller using a Bluetooth Connection? I can’t seem to find any documentation on this topic.

Hi there,
well the Gsearch gives lots:

The best bluetooth apps for iPhone

AppPicker › frontend › applists › the…
](The best bluetooth apps for iPhone - appPicker)

Sep 18, 2021 — The bluetooth finder can scan and locate all the devices supporting Bluetooth LE 4.0+ · Launch the bluetooth radar app and find your bluetooth

ios bluetooth scanner from

GL :slight_smile: PJ

Maybe you can try using LightBlue. We used this software when we used the bluetooth function of the xiao nrf52840

Unfortunately the internet will lead you astray with diversions, paid services, and no-code solutions for collecting data. My recommendation is to modify an existing github project to talk to your device. Here is a solid link: GitHub - niqt/Blue: Bluettoth and SwiftUI . You should plan to use NimBLE as your api, since it has implemented more of the BLE spec than the standard Adruino BLE. GitHub - h2zero/NimBLE-Arduino: A fork of the NimBLE library structured for compilation with Arduino, for use with ESP32, nRF5x. . You will need to lean on the BLE specs as well, since the examples won’t be meaningful if you don’t understand the specs well.

Wow, truthisbacon :star_struck:
Such a strong recommends, curious if you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:have ever built anything with it ? NimBLE on Nrf52840 that is, and would you care to show it? I know it is the only one that supports coded PHY, besides the NRF-SDK.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

For sure, the native SDK is going to be superior. I think the op is looking for something to use with iOS and talk to this $9 Xiao ESP32S3, with the focus being on iOS collecting some sensor data. If that is true, the easiest path is probably to bringup the Xiao on the Arduino platform. Any of the sample code in the NimBLE library will compile/run. My recommendation of the NimBLE library is simply that the standard Arduino BLE library is missing parts of the specs, and specifically security related code which I needed for a project. For serious work, I think the native SDK for the target chipset should be the preferred choice. For sure, the op should use NRF Connect app for debugging and educational purposes. On the iOS side, either the sample provided by Apple, or that one I posted (which does have an accompanying blog post somewhere), should be fine. Alternatively, Flutter with the flutter-reactive-ble is perfectly usable across iOS and Android.

I built a little BLE time server (assumes the device has some connected RTC). Not totally practical as a better time source is a real GPS or atomic clock thing, but fine for my project. I will see about publishing the head tracker when I get that working with a desired IMU.

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Hi there,
The ESP32 samples will, but no Nrf52x does without the arduino-n. So no REAL examples of it in action as related to the Xiao Nrf52840 sense or BLE . Here or there. :grinning: :v:
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Correct … My focus has been on the ESP32S3 and ESP32C3 since this ecosystem has been a bit easier to target for my projects. How much time would you say it takes to get up to speed on the NRF SDK?

Hi there, Indeed
There are some fantastic videos about for it, I would say about 1 week playing, less if working with it. 3-4 depending on skill level there’s allot compared to Arduino.
If you PLio , the nrf-connect for vscode is a smoother transition and maybe All some folks need. YMMV
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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