Interesting Xiao pin-compatible board from Adafruit

Adafruit has announced the Adafruit QT Py, a compact SAMD21-based board, reminiscent of the Xiao.

Surprisingly, the pinout is the same with 14 castellated pins.

  • Same size, form-factor, and pin-out as Seeed Xiao

The interesting changes include an SPI Flash memory (perfect for Python), a connector (STEMMA QT, a competitor of the Grove system), a RESET button and an RGB LED.

The price hasn’t been disclosed yet.

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We welcome such products, and users have more choices. continue to enrich community resources. @reivilo

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I love that the Xiao is becoming a “standard form factor” as it’s such a great little size for projects.

I have to admit, the QT Py definitely has the edge for me right now just for having a slightly more sane amount of memory. The Xiao is kind of a pain to work with if you use Circuit Python. The stemma connect is also awesome - Adafruit have so many great sensors in the stemma format. AND they daisy chain super easily!

Seeeduino - time to up your game and release a Xiao 2.0 that’s even better :wink:


That was the message!