Integrate Multiple Cameras using a MIPI CSI Multiplexer for Grove Vision AI Module V2

I recently bought the Grove Vision AI Module V2 , and wanted to Integrate 2 MIPI CSI cameras on to it, using somekind of Multiplexer for CSI I guess, I am very new to embedded sytems, and wanted some help regarding this project . To be more clear, I am listing some of my doubts and question below, if possible and if anyone knows anything about it, please do reply :pray::

  1. Can I multiplex 2 cameras with half the frame rate in the Grove Vision AI Module V2 using an external CSI multiplexer, and if so do you have any chip in mind.

  2. I saw that there is only support for few OV5642 and OV5647 Cameras, where can we learn about the drivers/firmware written in order to connect these cameras and function them for the Grove Vision AI Module V2 [ I am not asking for the WiKi page for the module], any repo where I can see that how the code works, which enables the Grove Vision AI Module V2 to connect with a Rpi Camera, so that we can develop our own drivers for new camera modules.

Any help would be really helpful.

Hi there,
I would say "NO " to number (1) one.
Bandwidth issue’s and I don’t believe there is enough juice with the Himax chip on there,
also it’s a CSI not a CSI 2 interface on that board I’m thinking.
GL :slight_smile: PJ