Hello there!
I am attempting to install Kali linux on the reTerminal
I am running into two issues:
#1. The display does not “just work”
I have read the “Getting started” guide, and with RetroPie and the default (not supplied by seed) Raspberry Pi OS, I am successful in restoring screen functionality and using SSH.
Problem #2: SSH does not “just work”
As when I install Kali linux, from this link:
(yes I decompressed the img and used Raspberry Pi Imager to install)
I am unable to connect to WiFi headless, and when using an external HDMI display, I see a login screen, but an unable to use a mouse and keyboard to do anything about it.
I have followed this guide:
And still, WiFi does not auto-connect and as such, SSH fails, and installing drivers is useless.
Any ideas on how to get this to work on the reTerminal?
FYI. I tried Installing Lakka - I run into the same issue, but RetroPie DOES work (with extreme display rotation fixing issues following MULTIPLE guides. (seriously, why?, but I digress on this part)
Thanks in advance.