Installing Circuit Python on Wio Terminal

I’ve been tying to follow the instructions on installing circuit python on a Wio terminal D51R. All instructions say to connect the Wio with a USB cable to my Mac and an external drive will appear in Finder. This doesn’t happen, so I’m not to the point where I can copy the uf2 file from Adafruit on the device. I’m able to run the Arduino app and install the blink sketch onto the Wio by setting up Arduino with the proper board and setting the USB port.

I had previously installed Ardupython on the Wio and it worked, and I could see the device as a drive in Finder, but not any more. I could use a clue on this one.

Quick double reset with the switch on the side of WIO Terminal should bring up drive for you to copy circuitpython UF2 file to. Then reset WIO and a CircuitPy drive should appear.

Quick double reset with the switch on the side of WIO Terminal should bring up drive for you to copy circuitpython UF2 file to …

I wish that worked. I have tried the double reset and the Wio blue light goes into the slow pulse mode, but no drive on the Mac. I’ve now tried two different Macs running Ventura and Catalina and neither work with this Wio. Note that I haven’t installed Circuit Python yet. I’m just trying to get the “arduino” drive to show up.