🥧 I'm Raspberry Pie'd OUT! Has it lost its luster ,Good for AI? are you for sure

Hi there,
Hope all are well and are you PIE’d OUT?

I have and in the past used several versions of this platform I think since 2015 , I moved to a Rock64 because more options were available and performance was better than all the PIE’s available in 2018-2019. Now the compute module Rpi and the Rpi 5 gave me some hope,until I looked closer but I just can’t see it. By the time you add up all the extras stuff like Cases, cooling solutions, Power supply’s and IO-HATs and an AI hat, etc. and pieces parts costs to make it a suitable test platform for anything. AI, HA or routing. NO warm fuzzy, I’m feeling like this article sums up mostly my view on it. (Agree/Disagree) albeit I don’t and wouldn’t ever use it to replace a workstation or Desktop computer. However I would go along with the issue’s the author points out with OS’s and Custom build requirements. Now past the Basic users skill level and a complexity that can be a barrier to entry, and then there is the Supply. ONLY 1. Even Intel has AMD… :face_with_peeking_eye:
Sure it might be fine for some basic NAS or Piehole filter or octoprint. I’m looking for real comments on how YOU :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: use it and any caveats you would highlight.

(disclaimer) I do use several (4) Rpi Zero "W"s with OctoPrint for my 3D printers they work well and only occasionally I have to update them from time to time and wish it was more Automatic with less futzing with free space and number or plugins that actually don’t make them cry or worse FREEZE :cold_face:
To start I don’t like companies selling these things because they are cheap and almost get the job done as purchased. I think it’s MANDITORY to provide the ACTIVE cooler seen here, but they don’t. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I like using Ubuntu but even that is custom to it. You can’t just drop and >app get -UPGRADE and things go well. YMMV
What have you had luck with?

Even Seeed is drinking the kool-aid with it too, I say The Nvidia platform (orin, nano,etc.) is calling my wallet but even that has issue’s because it’s not 100% of the reference design and truly open source. Things like USB ports, and Device trees, jet packs and IO are not up to the Moniker :face_with_monocle: IMHO
I love it has every IO and lots of extras is upgradable has many levels to fit budget and performance, seems made for AI and out of the box you can use it after configuring it…

Looking for intelligent , concise replies’ if you want to just complain or throw :bomb:, go over to reddit and do that… :smile:

As you were,
GL :slight_smile: PJ

yes… may be riding a wave that has already broke…

Hi there,
I’m wondering if anyone is using HA on a Pie5 with AI added in and How it performs?

GL :slight_smile: PJ

I was going to install it on a Pi Zero W… but it will not install

Yea, the Zero is very Light weight, great for basic Octoprint. Works well.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Man this is me…
Great video.
Low cost of entry 35$
Low power, very good for getting started. Linux etc. This is exactly why I looked elsewhere.(beLink)
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Dude was seeing into the future… with the Arm stuff… LOL wow