I2C not working with LoRa Wio E5 mini

I am trying to communicate with ADS1115 using Seeed Studio’s LoRa Wio E5 mini in the I2C2 peripheral to which PA15 and PB15 are connected. It doesn’t work and I am able to see nothing on my logic analyzer. SCL stays high and SCL stays low with no data at all in the bus. I have enabled pull up resistors for the I2C pins in my Wio E5 mini using CubeMX. I am using Seeed Studio LoRaWan for the LoRaWan stack to connect to my TTN network and without the I2C master transmit or device ready commands the demo code runs well and I receive the dummy data at TTN side. If I include any master transmit or any command related to I2C the code gets stuck at MX_LoRaWAN_Init().

Check if the I2C2 peripheral is attempting to initiate a start condition (SCL toggling while SDA goes low). If the bus stays idle, the peripheral might not be enabled correctly or clocked.

Thanks, I’ve solved the issue. For some reason enabling low power mode (low power mode disable = 0) made I2C work.