I2C No pull up found on SDA or SCL; check your wiring

Hi all!

there is a weird behavior when trying to use I2C with my XIAO boards (nrf, ESP32) in circuitpython:

RuntimeError: No pull up found on SDA or SCL; check your wiring

I do not have any issue when using Arduino code only in circuitpython!
Can someone tell me why and if there is some way to prevent the error without soldering resistors?


Hi there,
If you swap the SDA and SCL you will get that error also?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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thx a lot! one of the “wires” was loose :slight_smile:

I had the same issue with circuitpython and the rp2040 round display (waveshare) there it really was a software issue because it stated the wire error when trying to access the internal imu.

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If you face this with a si7021 module:

There are 2 types sold- one with the pullup jumper already soldered (between the 2 resistors) and one where the 3 pads are separated - soldiering them will fix this issue! (as well as hooking up more i2c devices wich probably solved my old issue)