Hi, I need to check if you have a case for respeaker core v2.0. Please confirm.
Hi there,
I recently purchased respeaker core v2. First used
the respeaker-debian-9-lxqt-flasher-20180801-4gb.img.xz and when I add
the 2018-07-26-raspbian-for-respeaker (1) image on sdcard, it fails. I get
this message, writing to /dev/mmcblk1 failed.
the user1 and user2 leds and blicnking and stuck. Please advise. How can I
flash the rasbian version.
Thanks and Regards
Sachin Kumar
[image: Google Developers Group - GDG DOHA]
Sachin Kumar / Google Developer Expert / Co-Founder and Manager - GDG DOHA
/ CTO TupeloLife
[email protected] / +974 66841516
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