Huge Red Push Button

Hi All,
I recently purchased the Huge Red Push Button and have a question!

How do I pull it apart??

I can remove the micro switch at the bottom, but I am unable to remove the rest of the assembly - I need to remove it so I can undo the retaining nut, allowing for mounting.


I just received these today as well. You can gently pull the red tab out and the top assembly will slide up and out of the switch. (The red tab is on the cubed base of the switch, and the entire top part of the switch detaches).

Have you determined how the switch is wired yet? I havent tested it yet, but visual inspection leads me to believe that its two independent SPST switches that are always on and momentarily go off upon pressing the button.


I don’t have a red tab?! The button I got is this one:

The switch on that is a NO/NC, depending on which contact you use.

The switch assembly can be removed, but the cage bit - well, I can’t see any logical way to remove it ??


Sorry - my mistake. My switch isn’t the “Huge” one (even though it seems pretty huge to me).

That’s ok! I’ll figure it out eventually :slight_smile:


Ok! Figured it out.

The switch cage pulls out - but takes a little force. I found if you un-do the white retaining nut until it hits the switch cage - then keep going, the cage (with globe etc.) will pop out!
