Dear all,
Here is some step to let you know how to began the GPRS shield with SSCOM3.2 serial tool.
upload the sketch to Arduino Uno : … T_Commands
Make sure you have upload the sketch successfully when show up “Done Uploading”. -
Insert the gprs shield , make sure the jumper select to D7 and D8 . pleast note the USB connector should not touch holes on gprs shield.
Open the SSCOM3.2 serial tool, open the COM correctly.
push the button”PWRKEY”1s , and wait for about 30s, the red led would be on the green led blink.
as the serial tool, select the “SentNew”, select the bautrate as 19200, and sent a string: “AT+IPR=19200 “, and then hit : SEND
Gprs shield would relay : OK, it now you power off the gprs shield , it will relay: normal power down.