This might be an advanced topic, but I’d like to use my Wio Node with the Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip. I installed the latest driver (from silabs.com/products/mcu/Page … ivers.aspx ) for CP201x on MacOS El Capitan, but my device is not recognized.
It seems that there is an issue on El Capitan.
community.silabs.com/t5/Interfac … d-p/155165
I tied with a USB 2.0 hub as suggested, but got no success.
If you know a way to use a Wio Node on MacOS El Capitan, please share your tips.
Sounds like you were on the right path. The exact part number in the wio schematic is a CP2102.
google.com/search?q=CP2102+ … el+capitan
Seems like there are some solutions in that search, but I cannot confirm. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.
This might be an advanced topic, but I’d like to use my Wio Node with the Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip. I installed the latest driver (from silabs.com/products/mcu/Page … ivers.aspx ) for CP201x on MacOS El Capitan, but my device is not recognized.
It seems that there is an issue on El Capitan.
community.silabs.com/t5/Interfac … d-p/155165
I tied with a USB 2.0 hub as suggested, but got no success.
If you know a way to use a Wio Node on MacOS El Capitan, please share your tips.
Your device is Wio Node (seeedstudio.com/depot/Wio-Node-p-2637.html )?
This Wio Node have not USB-to-UART chip. The USB connector just power.
Wio Node does not include UART to USB chip. It just upgrade by OTA.