How to use a suli-compatible library?

In general ,using a suli-compatible library is more complicated than using a arduino library , because we should unify the interface frist .But beyond this , the left thing is

basically the same ,and allow for its compatibility ,it is acceptable anyway.

Roughly , using a suli-compatible library can be divided by four steps:
    [b]step one:[/b] Unifying the interface.
    [b]step two:[/b] Importing the library.
    [b]step three:[/b] Write the main program .
    [b]step four:[/b] Connect hareware and run the program. 

	In this part ,I will show you lots of examples to illustrate how to use a suil-compatible library ,specifically ,how one grove module be applied to two different platforms (like arduino platform and mbed platform ) by using one and the same suli-compatible library. Here we use a [url=][u]Seeeduino board[/u][/url] as the arduino platform ,use a [url=][u]Seeeduino Arch board[/u][/url] as the mbed platform .

Example one : Grove - LCD RGB Backlight
Example two : to be uploaded…
Example three : to be uploaded…