How to get Xiao ESP32C3 to return from deep sleep?

Hi folks! I recently got myself the Xiao ESPC3 and am over the moon about it. I managed to install the IDE and upload the LED blinky thing but since I uploaded the deep sleep code piece the device is obviously sleeping and I cant flash other stuff to it. Entering bootloader mode helped see the device again but I am reluctant to try and reflash the blinking LED code there. I dont understand the “use pin to wake up from deep sleep” tbh.

Is there any more straight forward way to understand this. It is the first microcontroller I’m working with.

TL;DR: Have uploaded deep sleep program, how to get back?

Thanks for reading and have a good one.

Hi there,
and welcome here…
The Xiao is a good MCU.“use pin to wake up” that’s which pin you want to use to signal the Xiao to wake up. Go to the WiKi and get a handle on the pin numbers and the names. Certain ones can be used to wake the Xiao. You can’t hurt anything, and Bootloader mode is the “Hold boot button down and press & release the reset button”. The com port may change numbers “that is normal” and your blinky will stop running. (so will a boot loop stop if you send it bad code) pay attention to PIN for the 3.3Vdc and the GND pin. There is a USB 5Volt pin also. learn those pins and what they do and you can master the Xiao and arduino code.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Use the WiKi… best place to start. think about getting the Expansion board with OLED display, pushbuttons, RTC, battery, Grove connectors and all the needed devices a Buzzer too.!