How to Flash Firmware onto the XIAO MG24 Sense

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to use the XIAO MG24 Sense with Edge Impulse. I see that Edge Impulse provides firmware support for the xG24 Dev Kit, which uses the same processing core. I am wondering if I can use the xG24 Dev Kit firmware on the XIAO MG24 Sense?

Additionally, I’m having trouble entering DFU mode by double-pressing the reset button, a method that usually works on other XIAO boards. I also cannot find or select the XIAO MG24 in Silicon Labs’ Simplicity Commander.

Has anyone successfully flashed firmware onto the XIAO MG24 Sense? If so, could you please share the steps or any helpful documentation?

Thank you in advance for your guidance!

Hi there,

NO . on both Items… Seems they forgot the part about entering BL mode?
Terrible device. NOT like the REAL XIAO IMO… a Posser with all the right buzz words but NO BEEF…
Sorry to break the bad news to you… We are anxiously awaiting a solution from the product manager and engineer for this device. I would have ascertained the information so vital to use of this device prior to EVER releasing it to my Customers…
But that’s just ME!

As you were

GL :hot_face: PJ :v:

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