How to find the MAC address of Wifi Bee

Sometimes , the supplier has not posted the MAC address tag on the Wifi Bee , so you need do something to find it:

1 Download the library of Wifi Bee and decompress it into the Arduino–>library

2 Open the demo “WebServer” , and modify the program which include local_ip , gateway_ip , subnet_mask , ssid , security_type , security_passphrase.

3 Choose the right board and upload the program to the Wifi bee , and then wait the blue LED light up.

4 Open your web browser , input the local_ip you have modified in the program and enter. Then you can see:

5 Open your PC command terminal(Window–Win+r , MAC–Terminal) and input the command

Note: input the local_ip you have modified in the program and enter

6 If the wifi bee works well , you can type a new command

And then you can see all terminals information connected to the router , you can find the IP and MAC address of Wifi Bee.(picture 1)

Good luck!

In Mac OS X, you must instead of cmd.exe with