Hello geeks!
I just bought a E-ink shield and it uesd up all the pins on my Uno.
I’m looking for suggestion about ‘How to control E-ink Shield by another arduino’ or ‘How to control it on the same arduino’?.
I’m waiting for the solution online.
Okay, since no one reply me about this topic, I’ll simplify this question.
How can I control E-ink Shield by a button or potentiometer or something like that?
I just want it can change the display text under my control.
Hi,maybe E-ink just could be controlled by one pic of arduino
Hi,you can see those pins which have been used by E-ink(3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,etc),and you can use other pins which are not used(0,1,2,8,9,A0~A5) to control a button or potentiometer.