How to connect Bluetooth bee to PC

Can someone Show me the step to establish link between Bluetooth Bee and my XP PC. I have tried send At command to Bluetooth Bee,the terminal program shows it is connected with Bluetooth Bee by USB,but the terminal program(sscom32E) display some strange message like “XXXX…” and I can not use my PC bluetooth to find it(Bluetooth Bee).

Hi georrge,

Could you supply the error info in picture form, so that I can see what could be done.

All the best,


George usually I have seen this over serial coms to be speed setting incorrect, just make sure that parity and stop bits are also set.

You can connect serial console in arduino if you are english speaking try realterm, it is very similar to the tool you are using only pain is it takes some time to scan the serial ports for usb virtual port

I do not have the seeduino bluetooth module yet so I cannot help you beyond this suggestion but I have been playing with bluetooth serial links and have seen the same xxxxxx output, adjust speed both ends

good luck


Thanks davo,from the screen capture you can see the COM6 is connected,and the baudrate is set to 38400 according to bluetooth Bee Manual v1.3. When I send \r\n+INQ=1 the sscom32E shows errors message like attach picture.

Hi georrge,

It seems you the default baudrate of your bluetooth is not 38400, so you may try different baudrate. As you reset the bluetooth bee, the terminal will get some device infomation.



Hi Icing,
Thanks for your response so quickly,I try different baudrate,but it is the same error message.I use the XBee Shield V1.1 and put Bluetooth bee on it,I press the White reset button on Xbee Sheild,but it shows nothing,and I like to know how to set the two dip switch? Both on edge side or opposite? I see the drawing should put both in opposite side of edge of PCB.( not on edge side) .
When I close the SSCOM3.2 it displays as below:
;疏杻薹Band rate
;弇Data bits
;礿砦弇Stop bits
;霜諷Flow control

N1=H,12 00 FF 88
N2=A,output string

Hi georrge,

The switch on xbee shield should be set like this:
the first(on the top) one set to USB(left),
the second one set to UART(right).

BTW, you’d better load an empty sketch to your arduino.



Hi Icing,
Very thanks, I do as you say,now only a little step then can work normally. Now my terminal screen(SSCOM3.2) is correct,but When I send \r\n+INQ=1\r\n,it becomes \r\n+INQ=1\r\n, so it display ERROR.

Hi georrge,

Please refer to this:



I have connected my bluetooth bee to PC,it’s a long way to go,but I have arrived. Thanks to God and Icing,It’s not easy,but it really can connect. For my note and who will use it behind me,I have some suggestions.

  1. use realtem as terminal program can save your time.
  2. use Windows it’s own bluetooth driver can connect much easier.
  3. set your bluetooth bee as master also make things easier.

Hi georrge,

Glad to hear your success, and thanks for your sharing! :slight_smile:

