How to connect a Wio-E5 mini Sensor from Seeed Studio to the SenseCAP Outdoor Gateway?

Hello all!

I have a new SenseCAP LoRaWAN Outdoor Gateway (US915, SX1301) I want to be able to use with the Wio-E5 mini sensors from Seeed Studio. I have previously used ChirpStack with another gateway, but I am struggling to connect my sensors to ChirpStack and SenseCAP outdoor gateway US915. I can access the LoRa server built into the gateway. I can also see the gateway active on ChirpStack API (login with port 8080). The gateway came with its EUI and KEY. I used the EUI to create the gateway profile. I am having problems connecting the Wio-E5 mini sensors in ChirpStack. All the Join requests fail or don’t appear. Has anyone else done anything similar?

Is the SenseCAP Outdoor gateway only compatible to work with the SenseCAP S210X Sensors only?

I am following the main steps from this guide:

Thank you!


The outdoor gateway can be compatible with the Wio-E5. Did you switch the Wio-E5 to US915 frequency?