How many I2Cs are on the Wio Lora E5 Mini

Viki for this device states in this image:

I see the two descriptions for the pins: one colored label and another greyed label.

From my experience with this device, I know that the PC0 and PB14 are pins for I2C3. I got this information from MX view for this device under Stm32CubeIDE:

Any other I2C connectivity doesn’t match the same views from MX.

Greyed rows don’t have such pin-label combinations in the above image.
So I have a question. Is it possible to have I2C more than I2C3 on this board?

the color matches the function… the gray number is the logical pin numbers, sometimes in the programming you have to call the logical pin number and not necessarily the board pin number… so this just makes it a convienient reference card

HI there

are you certain MX is reading the correct chip , E5 HF?

from the schematic
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: