I installed the latest version of ArduPy on my Wio Terminal. I was developing a startup script that would allow me to start various different programs, so that I could use it for multiple purposes. However, in doing this, I created an infinite loop, not even thinking about the fact that I wouldn’t be able to get into REPL after doing that because USB would never get properly initialized.
In short, I got a brick. Some devices that run MicroPython and its derivatives have a “safe boot” mode that skips the boot.py file, so I was wondering if such a mode existed on the Wio Terminal.
If there are any solutions to this, I would rather it not delete the boot.py file, but if it’s absolutely necessary, it’s not the end of the world.
What I’ve tried so far:
I already reinstalled ArduPy, but that didn’t delete the boot.py.
I tried to use the hardware TX and RX pins instead of USB, no dice.
Probably a few more small things that I forgot about.