How conductivity of HCHO sensor changes?

I am working on project for detecting HCHO but I don’t know how the conductivity of WSP2101 changes can anyone help me in understanding?

The Grove - HCHO Sensor is a semiconductor VOC gas sensor. Its design is based on WSP2110 whose conductivity changes with the concentration of VOC gas in air. Through the circuit, the conductivity can be converted to output signal that corresponding to the gas concentration. This sensor can detect the gas whose concentration is up to 1ppm. It’s suitable for detecting formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and other volatile components. This product can be used to detect harmful gas in the home environment. Therefore, it’s a good assistant for you to improve indoor environment quality of life.The Grove - HCHO Sensor can be used to detect VOCs, such as HCHO,toluene, benzene, alcohol. Here we take HCHO for an example to demonstrate how to use this sensor…in company which was advised on other forums will be able to help in more detail.

// demo of Grove - HCHO Sensor
#define Vc 4.95
void setup()
void loop()
int sensorValue=analogRead(A0);
float R0=(1023.0/sensorValue)-1;
Serial.print("R0 = ");