Home Assistant, Outdoor LoRaWAN gateway and T1000 trackers

Hey Everyone,
Has anyone managed to get the Outdoor Gateway successfully integrated into home assistant?

And any remote chance the T1000 trackers as well?

I managed to get the M2 development indoor gateway working and into home assistant but the outdoor one seems different and I can get them to play.



Gateway integrated in HA ??? it’s not gateway that you integrate but Lora devices themselves !! most of time using MQTT.
For T1000 it sends its position so you can handle it in HA quite easily :wink:

Yes T1000-A into Home Assistant with T1000 tracker setup using SenseCap for TTN but I assume would be similar with SenseCap for Helium (or other).

1st setup API in the SenseCap Portal SENSECAP

2nd create multiple sensors in Home Assistant using the Rest Sensor

  - resource: https://sensecap.seeed.cc/openapi/view_latest_telemetry_data?device_eui=<your_device_EUI>
    method: GET
    username: "API ID"
    password: "Access API keys"
    scan_interval: 5
      - name: T1000-A Latitude
        value_template: >
          {{ value_json.data[0].points[1].measurement_value }}
      - name: T1000-A Longitude
        value_template: >
          {{ value_json.data[0].points[0].measurement_value }}
      - name: T1000-A Time
        value_template: >
          {{ value_json.data[0].points[0].time }}

3rd with the sensors in Home Assistant setup an automation to track using service device_tracker.see

alias: Update T1000-A Position
description: Update T1000-A Position
  - platform: state
      - sensor.t1000_a_time
condition: []
  - service: device_tracker.see
      host_name: T1000-A
      dev_id: t1000
        - "{{ states('sensor.t1000_a_latitude') | float | round(6) }}"
        - "{{ states('sensor.t1000_a_longitude') | float | round(6) }}"
      gps_accuracy: 20
mode: single

And here you go

Yes my Bad, it was a long year 2023 with no rest ups.

Thanks for the detailed response.
First important question: Do you have the outdoor gateway or the indoor dev gateway working with this?

I managed to get the dev gateway up and running but cant get the outdoor one to work.
When I setup the device profile for the tracker, I can not select the LoRaWAN MAC version as 1.0.4 which I could in the dev gateway.


I do not have a gateway, I have 1 x T1000-A only with the device configured using the default platform “SenseCAP for The Things Network”

OK, so what bridges between your tracker LoRa data and the internet(Things Network)?

Which gateway do you use?

I do not use any gateway, the T1000-A connects directly via public TTN gateways. I do not need a gateway.

Ah, I see what you mean now. Unfortunately we are rural in NZ and dont have any public gateways. Plus we would like to keep the trackers off the cloud :slight_smile:
I dont suppose you know anything about MQTT? I am still trying to pull the data off our external gateway but not having any luck.
This is the message that gets sent to the MQTT server-:

  "applicationID": "1",
  "applicationName": "HomeAssistant",
  "deviceName": "MNL1 Tracker",
  "devEUI": "***********************",
  "rxInfo": [
      "gatewayID": "LPfxEURAABE=",
      "time": "2024-01-16T02:31:37.887266185Z",
      "timeSinceGPSEpoch": null,
      "rssi": -68,
      "loRaSNR": 12.2,
      "channel": 7,
      "rfChain": 1,
      "board": 0,
      "antenna": 0,
      "location": {
        "latitude": -40.33129247197204,
        "longitude": 175.88169336318973,
        "altitude": 50,
        "source": "UNKNOWN",
        "accuracy": 0
      "fineTimestampType": "NONE",
      "context": "pSQ9Ig==",
      "uplinkID": "6jbCJEGBTsiD1PSJjhK2ww==",
      "crcStatus": "CRC_OK"
  "txInfo": {
    "frequency": 905300000,
    "modulation": "LORA",
    "loRaModulationInfo": {
      "bandwidth": 125,
      "spreadingFactor": 9,
      "codeRate": "4/5",
      "polarizationInversion": false
  "adr": true,
  "dr": 1,
  "fCnt": 255,
  "fPort": 5,
  "data": "BgAAAABlpeqHCnuyQP2YnwwCOQBkTQ==",
  "objectJSON": "{\"err\":-1,\"messages\":[],\"payload\":\"060000000065A5EA870A7BB240FD989F0C023900644D\",\"valid\":false}",
  "tags": {},
  "confirmedUplink": true,
  "devAddr": "AKm6fg=="

and I think all the info in rxInfo and txInfo is static information from the units setup. I think all the data I need is contained in either “data” or “objectJSON” but I cant figure out how to get at it.
These T1000 trackers should be great but I really need the live GPS data and button presses (and SOS feature).
Any ideas would be gratefully received!