Hi all. I recently tried to change my DSO Nano to BenF but i screwed up something. Now every time i turn it on it goes into firmware upgrade screen without me holding any button. if i hold “M” button it brings info screen. It says its Hardware Version 1.0 . MCU type STM32F103VB. LCM Ctrl ILI_9341 . USB Disk Ext MSD Card. On firmware upgrade screen it states its V3.29D. Now every time i try to put BIN or HEX file on the drive when connected with USB cable it changes into .ERR no matter what version I put on it. Is there any guide how to unbrick or recover it even just to original software ? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
The files changing to .ERR could be a problem if your computer has Windows 10. Try Windows 7.
Go here <LINK_TEXT text=“viewtopic.php?f=22&t=4823&start=80#p28237”>https://forum.seeedstudio.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=4823&start=80#p28237</LINK_TEXT> and try to load the LIB code from the zip. See if says .RDY for you. After that it will say No APP Found on the screen. This is step one.
Helpful info http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/DSO_Nano_v3/