Hey everyone! Hope this thread is on the right place.
I have trouble with my Wio terminal where the wio terminal unable to display thermal image that connected to AMG8833 thermal camera. The only thing that shows up in the display is “thermal camera” text.
Is it because of my older version of AMG8833? which only have pinout connector and not the grove one . The cable that i currently use to connect the wio terminal and thermal camera is grove to female pin cable.
Is there any methods to connect the AMG8833 with pinout connector to the wio terminal ? And does the wio terminal possible to display the termal image from AMG8833 with pinout connector ?
Here is a picture of my current terminal and thermal camera.
I’m very sorry, we haven’t done a compatibility test on this camera, and may not provide technical support for it. You can wait for the reply from other partners in the forum.
Some information which might be useful. If you don’t already know by now, the AMG8833 device that your using has an I2C address of 69Hex. The driver code is designed for a device with address 68Hex. You need to edit the Seeed_AMG8833_driver.h file and change #define DEFAULT_IIC_ADDR 0x68 to #define DEFAULT_IIC_ADDR 0x69. You’ve probably figured this out by now, but if not…Cheers