help whit 315Mhz RF link kits

hello I own that your article:

but unfortunately the documentation provided did not get it to work I state that the pins are set to the same encoding mode on the receiver and transmitter and I have given more than 5v to neither. I do not know what else to do then I kindly ask for your help

Hi CrashOverride,

You’d better provide the transmitter and the receiver 5Vdc when you test them.

Can you see the “VT” on the receiver become to HIGH when they enable to transmitting.
The “VT” becoming to HIGH means they are successful to communicate.
Then set “TE” to low first, and set D0, D1, D2, D3 to high or low on the transmitter.
After that set the “TE” to high to enable transmitting, and the receiver can receive the new data.

Let me know if you need more help.


first of all thank you for the help :smiley: . I set the pin high VT of the receiver, I set high only pin D3 of transmitters. Then I set high TE. With a digital multimeter, I measured the voltage on the pin of the receiver D3 But I have not read any voltage on that pin :cry:

sorry i haven’t wrote good. . I haven’t set VT high but i’ve read it with a digital multimeter and it not becomes high.
You say (Then set “TE” to low first) i have to set it to ground ?
i’m using only d3 , have i to change also the others pins? or i can use only one?

Hi CrashOverride,

sorry i haven't wrote good. . I haven't set VT high but i've read it with a digital multimeter and it not becomes high.

The communication is not successful, have you set the “TE” of transmitter to HIGH before you read the “VT” of receiver with a digital multimeter?
You need to set the “TE” of transmitter to high to enable transmitting.

You say (Then set "TE" to low first) i have to set it to ground ?

Yes if your low logic voltage is 0V.

'm using only d3 , have i to change also the others pins? or i can use only one?

You can set D3 to high and ignore other pins when you needn’t them.
When you reset the D3, you should set the “TE” of the transmitter to LOW first, after everything is ready, set the “TE” to high to enable transmitting.
And you can use the multimeter to read the “VT” and “D3” of the receiver.
