HELP on Arduino Project!!!

I am working on a project using Arduino and the Grove kit. I ordered 4 motion sensors and 4 sound recorders. My goal is for the motion sensors to set off the sound recorders (Each motion recorder/ sound recorder controlled independently from the others). The sounds are already recorded. I have some code already finished. It allows the sound recorders to play, but all at random. They cannot all be controlled separately within the code. And I don’t have any code that makes the motion sensor trigger the sound recorder. So, if not all 4 sound recorders I need to get 2 of the modules working separately with separate inputs. I am very new to Arduino and am working on this for a class. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

This code makes all the sound recorders work at random ( No motion sensors in this code.)

// Bare Bones Playback of Sounds from Grove Sound Recorder
// Record Sounds Manually
// Use this sketch to playback

// include our sound recorder library
#include <GroveSoundRecorder.h>

// initialize a recorder
#define SEL1 1 // SEL1 connects to pin# 2 on the Stem Base Shield, only use the DIGITAL pins

GroveSoundRecorder recorder(SEL1);

// initialize a recorder
#define SEL3 3 // SEL3 connects to pin# 3 on the Stem Base Shield, only use the DIGITAL pins

GroveSoundRecorder recorder(SEL3);

recorder.initialize(); // initialize the sound recorder

// initialize a recorder
#define SEL4 4 // SEL4 connects to pin# 4 on the Stem Base Shield, only use the DIGITAL pins

GroveSoundRecorder recorder(SEL4);

recorder.initialize(); // initialize the sound recorder

// initialize a recorder
#define SEL5 5 // SEL5 connects to pin# 5 on the Stem Base Shield, only use the DIGITAL pins

GroveSoundRecorder recorder(SEL5);

void setup()

recorder.initialize(); // initialize the sound recorder
void loop()

recorder.beginPlayback(TRACK2); //Track2 = K2 Bennie and the jets

recorder.beginPlayback(TRACK3); //Track3 = K3 …countdown

recorder.beginPlayback(TRACK4); //Track4 = K4 …A,B,C,D,E

recorder.beginPlayback(TRACK3); //Track3 = K3 …countdown

Here is a code I found about making the motion sensor work, but again I’m having problems. And this code does not make the motion sensor trigger the sound.

const int ledPin=13;//The led to indicate the motion

void setup(){
pinMode(12, INPUT);//Use pin 12 to receive the signal outputted by the module
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
int sensorValue = digitalRead(2);
Serial.println(sensorValue, DEC);//Print the state of the signal through the serial monitor.

Hi there,

Thanks for you sharing the code.
Hope you can finally success with your project.

Best regards,


Your code does not make sense. You’re defining an object “recorder” 4 times and initialize it shortly after. Only one of the initializations is done in the setup() routine (all should go there). You should define 4 DIFFERENT variables, one for every recorder connected and initialize alle within setup(). And take care that you don’t use adjacent pins for the recorders as every recorder needs 2 pins:

GroveSoundRecorder recorder(2);

This would use pins 2 and 3 for communication with the module. You cannot use pin 0, 1 and 7 as the selection value (2 in the above example).

Possible code is:

[code]GroveSoundRecorder recorder1(2);
GroveSoundRecorder recorder2(4);
GroveSoundRecorder recorder3(6);
GroveSoundRecorder recorder4(8);

void setup() {

void loop() {
// do what you wanna do here, like playing a sound or recording

Hope this helps!