I would appreciate some help and maybe team up with others that look for same solution.
I am working on cascading single color led matrices ( each matrix is 24x8 - 192 - single color LED) to make a huge led text scroller for a low budget theater project.
The 24x8 Matrix is connected the same way as the “Rainbowduino Extension Board v0.9b” http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/datasheet/Rainbowduino_Extension_Shield_v0.9b.pdf
Right now I am using the Demo Code from : http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/source/Code%20for%20Rainbowduino_Shield_v0.9b.zip
There is no I2C or other protocol implemented yet.
What do you think is the smartest way to make a single color LED “Sign Board” for scrolling text?
Has anyone implemented a text scroller with single color LED and cascading yet?
Anyone interested in helping with this project?