Hello, can u please help me to use TALKIE.h library in seeeduino xiao? I just want to have an speech output through speaker

Hello, can u please help me to use TALKIE.h library in seeeduino xiao? I just want to have an speech output through speaker.

I assume you have installed the “Talkie” library in your Arduino IDE. I used the Library Manager. (By the way: It’s Talkie.h, not TALKIE.h)

There are examples in the libraries\Talkie\examples directory.
Start with “Getting_Started” (See Footnote.) This library has worked for me with no “issues.”
I note that the author didn’t have an “examples” entry in the library.json file so you have to navigate to the directory with the File->Open menu rather than File->Examples.

Connect an external amplifier to XIAO pin 0 (A0).

Note: The DAC output from the processor will NOT drive headphones or speaker directly; you definitely need an amplifier of some sort.

Bottom line: I have played with this with an Arduino Zero board and a Seeed XIAO. What fun!!!



For initial evaluation, I don’t do one-and-done testing. I put the message in loop() so that I could play with connection and volume settings.

Talkie_Getting_Started_davekw7x.zip (1.2 KB)

Thank you so much. :>