Has anyone had anyluck with Stalker and Serial CMOS Camera?

im wondering is the stalker setup to use the fat16 libary called in the Serial CMOS Camera Demo File…
Im looking into myself so i will post if i have any luck…

here is the setup im using
Stalker v2b seeedstudio.com/depot/seeedu … th=132_133
Electronic Brick Shield v4 seeedstudio.com/depot/electr … th=132_134
Connected to this is the
SERIAL CMOS CAMERA seeedstudio.com/depot/electr … th=144_152
And i used from the Electronic Brick Starter Kit
Digital BIG Button Connected To Digital Port 6
Digital Analog LED Connected to Digital Port 5

What im getting now is the sketch starts up fine i push the button and it hangs but the led comes on so the sketch is good i think its failing writing to the sd card… its said it may not work with current limiting resister level shifter is this used on the stalker im gonna go look in the stalker info now for that…

UPDATE:: I changed the led pin to pin 7 as pin5 is used for the sd card as per the wiki but it still didnt work…

guess thats it im bored as useual so i started playing with this… if anyone has any ideas let me know…

I found out the fat16 library uses the following pins for sd card read/write etc.

Arduino Pin – MicroSD pin

10 – 2
11 – 3
12 – 7
13 – 5

stalker uses pins 2,3,4,5 i can edit this is the sdcard.h file but what is the next step does it have to be compiled or anything?

The Serial CMOS Camera only use the tx and rx(pin1 and pin0) on Stalker.
The sd card on Stalker will use the pin10,pin11,pin12 and pin13. So there’s no conflict at all.
You’d better use the fat16lib to test if you can read and write on the sd card.