Today i received my Wiznet Ethernet shield and i have mounted it on my seeeduino then i link it to the pc by the miniusb cable , and link the shield to my ethernet router with the ethernet cable.
But when i do that nothing happen , the link led on the shield don’t turn on and neither the one on the router.
On the shield become on only two leds , the pwr led and the rst led .
Then i try to check with the tester if all the contact on the ethernet female connector are connected to the pins on the bottom side of the pcb and only one is connected (with the diode configuration the tester bips only on that pin).
What can i do now?
am i doing something wrong?
We are sorry, the POWER regulator is incorrect.
it should be AMS1117-3.3-sot223, but now it is AMS1117-5.0-sot223.
Wiznet chip should work at 3.3v and now it is a 5v regulator.
Please do not test your other 3 Ethernet Shield.
We will give you guys response soon.
Very apologize