Guidance for a LoRA mobile NFC reader

I have a small banana plantation and I would like to have a device that I could attach a NFC reader to change and track the multitude of states a banana tree has throughout its life. In the plantation there’s poor celular connection but is a rather small and flat piece of land (around 100 hectares and some 50-70 workers) and I’m using 915 MHz since I’m in México.

My idea is to attach an inexpensive ISO14443 card to every banana tree so I can read its UID and thus changing its state to the next one, while doing so also getting the geolocation of the card so I can track all the different trees in a map with their locations.

I’ve been researching the solutions I can use and I find that the Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Kit with Meshtastic firmware could help me prototype this solution. What I understand is that I can attach the Grove - NFC(PN532) module and relay that data back to my main LoRa node where I can process that information.

Now, I have a multitude of questions that maybe I can get help answering:

  1. How difficult is to add this NFC functionality into the Wio Tracker 1110 with Meshtastic firmware? or in other words: what would be the general steps to accomplish something like this? Basically send the geolocation data alongside with the UID of the card and the timestamp when NFC engaged with the card.
  2. Is Meshtastic the right tool for this? Would I be better off with a LoRAWAN solution? Anything else?
  3. The NFC module uses UART but the dev kit uses that port for the GNSS module, can I use any other of the digital ones to read data from it?
  4. Are 50, 100, 200 devices going to work well sending that data? no much more data will be sent since the devices are not going to communicate between them only for relaying it or maybe a buzzer alert if something.

Whatever help I can get from you will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

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i dont think you want to use meshtastic… just regular LoRa you will need to get a LoRa gateway

consider something like this

the Tracker 110 should also work with this… but this kit has a XIAO and a LoRa modem

i have these devices so i would be happy to try to help you with this project

this box can be used to weatherproof your LoRa gateway… you want to install this at your homebase… especially if you have wifi

you can use the sensecap dashboard SENSECAP or set up your own server… i think MQTT or something… i am not exactly sure about all this but again… i would be fun to try to figgure this out

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Hi there,
and welcome here… That sounds like a great Project I grow a bunch or two here in SOFlo…

I would agree with @cgwaltney Recommends, but I would also break it down into steps of your design process.
I.e. Tag a few dozen trees, and Use the mobile and NFC_Tools app (android) and see what you can do BLE/WIFi that DATA to a LORA node/GATEWAY and cloud the DATA.?

I also agree on NOT using smashtastic, the mesh relays and retransmission’s in those node numbers are Battery KILLERS! I’m thinking.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

You want to know, if the plant gets moved? or things like the days it was watered and what the moisture level was or sun level and/or how high/low the PH is or stuff like that? Tell more please. :blush:


Hey, @cgwaltney!

Thank you so much, I greatly appreciate your help.

I thought first of Meshtastic because of the relay capabilities but if a couple of gateways can cover the area I think the solution you propose makes way more sense.

I’m currently reviewing the hardware options you gave me for the node sensors to buy.

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i think one gateway should cover your area… especially if you can locate as central and high as possable… actually high is better than central… if you could put on a mountain overlooking a valley it should cover

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Hey, @PJ_Glasso!

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Yeah, definitely I’m starting small, I’m kind of comfortable with data and internet – not so much with hardware, radio, sensors all that fun stuff :laughing:

At one point I would love to have all kind of sensors for my plants (I would love to have a light sensor to calculate NDVI) but I want to prioritize the proof of concept so I can integrate more and more stuff after.

I’m taking the LoRaWAN route thanks to you and @cgwaltney. If possible I’ll get back at you both after some research! :smile:

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PJ is actually the GOAT… i just try to follow in his footsteps!

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For my specific case, I have small hill not really in the middle of the land but almost there.

Thanks for the advice!

def get on the sensecap bandwaggon with some devices and see how it goes… do your research and let me know i can give you some pointers!.. also me and PJ have friends in Seeed! Sharkface, Citric and Harrison are good seeed enployees… I me and PJ are in the USA!


do you have wifi or internet at your central location? i dont think you have to be that high… maybe place your antenna on the highest tree or pole… LoRa is totally line of sight… if you could put a gateway on the moon it would work

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Hi there,
That’s great, You’ll have no problems. The Seeed Lora and Xiao stuff is Good , Takes a little reading but
in the end always comes through! Sound hardware has always been my experience.
Anytime I had issues it was between the Keyboard and the floor so Go Strong :muscle::sweat_smile:
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:


Yea, C’mon with a Face only a mother could love, Banana’s man… :smile: :v:
we grow a lot of stuff, Figs, mangoes, SourSapp, Barbados Cherry’s, Hog plums, avocados, papaya & citrus too. My wife is a certified master Gardner :star_struck:

That’s some of it… :stuck_out_tongue: :v:

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OMG that heart shaped spike thing reminds me of an x-girlfriend… lol


I have really bad cellular connection but I’m thinking of getting a Starlink plan in the near future. In the meantime I’ll bring my Raspberry PI 5 to avoid having to connect with the internet.

if you could put a gateway on the moon it would work

That would be great :laughing:

Look at those soursops! :star_struck:

One of my favorite fruits to make “agua fresca” with (refreshing water lol).

Amazing photos, @PJ_Glasso, and definitely your wife has an amazing garden!

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are you going to proceed with this project?

Hey, @cgwaltney!
Yes, I’ve have ordered the M2 without the Kit for now – bought a couple of already built SenseCAP T1000-Bs (To start working with the system integration first).

I’m waiting for the devices to arrive (two more weeks :cry: for shipping since it was on backorder).

I did it this way because I’m not really good with electronics and want to remove me from that complexity first, if everything goes well I’m buying the Wio-WM1110 Dev Kit or the Wio-E5-LE Dev Kit with the grove GNSS module, I’m not yet sure which one would be better easier to add that NFC grove module.

I’ll be sharing my results with you guys once I can start testing this out in the field :smiley:

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ok let me know i can help with the programming… i have most of the hardware and can help… maybe we can set up a gethub to share code

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How is the best way to get a NFC tag reader connected to the XIAO… use the NRF and solder the antenna? where to get the antenna and the tags?

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Hi there,
So the Xiao is only a TAG itself , and with an Antenna it will provide the contents of some flash memory to the NFC reader. device.
I2C & Grove connector is best if your going to use the Xiao as the HOST Reader with a NFC reader device connected.
Most I2C readers come with the antenna already. BTW.
What is the intended function/purpose ?

So You only use an antenna on the Xiao if you want it to be a tag.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Afaik , They sell one that works , it’s link is in an obscure thread on here.

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