GrovePi+ Limitations

Hello, I am using the grove pi+ connected to a raspberry pi 3 model B and noticed I don’t have any GPIO pins left. This is a problem because I need to connect a non-grove OLED display to the raspberry pi. Therefore I was wondering if I could use a raspberry pi expansion board to expand the number of GPIO pins first then connect the grove pi+ on top of that so I would have extra GPIO pins. I was also considering connecting an OLED through a USB port on the raspberry pi but would like advice on if the grove pi+ would work with a raspberry pi expansion board or if there are any other options that would be better?

Hi @Minba, If you are using I2C OLED, you can reuse the I2C port and connect multiple I2C Peripherals, In this case, you extend the I2C Port drive the OLED Display, or you can use the Grove - I2C Hub to extend I2C pins.