Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor Pro(DHT22) jumping values

I have build up a plant control system using a XIAO ESP32S3 together with several sensors for light, moisture, temperature and humidity. For the temperature and humidity I used a Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor Pro (DHT22) sensor.
The software of my system send a MQTT message to my broker with all values ones a second. A NodeRed system subscribes its topic and records all value in a file, which is used to generate a chart in the end.
This works well so far, beside of the fact, that the values of the mentioned Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor Pro (DHT22) sensor jumps around all the time.
The measured temperature value eg. jumps up from 24 to 29 degree all the time. Similar behaviour with the humidity. Here the value jumps from 35% to 45%, sometimes up to 50% without any reason.
I already exchanged the sensor by an other one, with the same problems.
On the wiki page of this sensor (Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor Pro(DHT22) | Seeed Studio Wiki) I found this info:
“… its accuracy reaches up to 2% RH and 0.5°C. A professional choice for applications that have relatively strict requirements.”
But the reality looks different :confused:

Interesting… are you sampling too fast… write a code to take it here or more
Measure ment in a row and validate

Subtract the three measurements and if they are close to 0 call it a good reading… if not call it a bad reading

Nice idea to get around the problem. But is this really the right way?

an IIC sensor would probably be more stable… not sure if you are doing any sleep cycles… but device should probably need time to “boot”

one per second is probably too fast for the data from the sensor to be decoded… try once every 2 seconds or maybe 3 seconds… I am sure the problem will resolve itself

signal collecting period is 2 Seconds

response time is 6-20 seconds… so should probably poll no more than 1 every 30 seconds… thats plenty fast enough

This is from the example code of the Arduino Library of this sensor:
“Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!”

This doesn’t sound like it would be a problem to take a sample every second.

The table shows imo the specs of the S2101 Air Temp & Humidity sensor

lol… i am sure the code knows… thats the time the MCU needs to recieve the signal… I am talking about sensor side timing

IMO… look at the URL… direct from the product specs… that is if you are using genuine Seeed products and not a knock off

Thank you @cgwaltney for your hint.

After changing the sample rate to 5 s the sensor works as expected.

Lesson learned: Do not rely on information that you have found in sample code - even if it comes from the manufacturer itself.

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