Adafruit Feather M4 Express on a “Grove Shield for Wio Lite” does not boot (seems not to get power?) and there is no Serial port available on the computer. The Feather should work on the Grove Shield, according the documentation.
I connect the Feather on the Grove Shield with the USB on my computer and have the power switch of the Grove shield on ‘5V’. Green light of Grove shield is on, a yellow light on Feather is also on, but the RGB-led of the Feather is not on, as it should be usually green, and no program is running. I’ve installed CircuitPython on the Feather, if that matters. When the Feather is connected directly to the computer, same USB cable, it’s working as expected.
Why is the Grove shield not working? Does someone has a tip?
I have the same problem with AdaFruit HUZZAH esp8266.
After comparing, the Feather pin-out does not look anything like the Grove Shield pin-out I think we’ve been duped with the claim that “Also, this Grove Shield can work with Adafruit Feather Boards.”
Based on the pin-out I don’t see how it could possibly work.
It looks like AdaFruit feathers have 2 different and incompatible pinouts???!!!? It seems like the ESP based board are different pin-out form the SAMD based boards.