Q1/ For this setup I connect the dust sensor to Grove shield’s D8. Is this why we use Pin 8 on the Arduino for receiving the input data?
So if I wanted to add a few more sensors, such as:
Temp/Humidity Sensor
UV Sensor
Air Quality Sensor
Gas Sensor (mq2)
CO2 Sensor
Q2/ Do the other ports D2-D7 (6 total) would be enough to cover those other 5 sensors. Now what would I need to do if I had to add more sensors to the board?
Hi, sorry for the delay reply, just notice you topic!
Temp/Humidity Sensor need 1 digital pin.
UV Sensor need 1 analog pin
Air Quality Sensor need 1 analog pin
Gas Sensor(MQ2) need 1 analog pin
CO2 Sensor was UART, need 2 digital pin, if you use an Arduino Mega, you can connect it to Serial1~Serial3