Grove - Serial Bluetooth: Connection problem

I have a module connected correctly with ArduinoUNO,(Tx, Rx, Vcc=5V ,GND), led d1 green blinks 2 times/ s, but when i search device with my pc(with debian or win7) and with my android phone, don’t find the bluetooth Grove module!!!

I tried with two Grove Blue module and behave the same way.

I followed the guide on wiki page.

where wrong??? :frowning:

Someone help me??? Thanks

you should see which pin of Arduino be used to connect Bluetooth(RX,TX);
furthermore , see the wiki more carefully . if you still can’t succeed , it is better to sent the picture that show the way you connected and the code you have used.

The problem isn’t the code, but the search!when searching the device don’t find it, I’m not using any code yet!!! :frowning:

Thanks :cry:

led d1 green blinks 2 times/ s

when i search device with my pc don’t find the bluetooth…

Someone help me??? Thanks

Your module is paired (2 times/s = paired). You must reset your grove module.
It must blink green and red…

Set correct baudrate on your µC and send all config strings to the module.

This is the sketch that i used with arduinoUNO, and the bluetooth module connected with pin Rx=0 Tx=1, but doesn’t work!
I’ve not used the softserial lib…


void setup()

void loop()

if( == ‘a’)

Serial.println(“You are connected to Serial Bluetooth Grove”);
//You can write you BT communication logic here


void setupBlueToothConnection()
Serial.begin(38400); //Set BluetoothBee BaudRate to default baud rate 38400
sendBlueToothCommand("\r\n +STPIN=0000\r\n");
delay(2000); // This delay is required.
delay(2000); // This delay is required.


//Checks if the response “OK” is received.
void CheckOK()
char a,b;
if(int len = Serial.available())
a =;

if('O' == a)
  b =;
  if('K' == b)



while( (a = != -1)
//Wait until all response chars are received

//Send the command to Serial Bluetooth Grove
void sendBlueToothCommand(char command[])

where wrong? :cry:


I have a similar Problem. But i think if your Green Led blinks its cause you reversed the tx and rx pins or the Bluetooth moduel. If that dosnt work try out some parts of the mastersketch included in the Seedstudio Bluetooth Shield demo Sketches (|>link<|)Skroll down a bit there it says Download arduino library. you can simply copy parts of the code and change the TX and RX pins and instead of “SeeedBTSlave” you have to type in the name of your pc.

By the way this is the link to my post, where I describe my problems and solutions: Bluetooth Shield connection problem

Use SoftwareSerial (hardware serial sends some charakters on reset).

Use a sketch that show you the transmitted characters on hardware serial.