I’m using Grove RotaryEncoder from Grove Indoor Environment Kit with Intel Edison and python wrapper.
My code is based on Intel example
[code]import time, sys, signal, atexit
import pyupm_rotaryencoder as upmRotaryEncoder
Instantiate a Grove Rotary Encoder, using signal pins D2 and D3
myRotaryEncoder = upmRotaryEncoder.RotaryEncoder(2, 3);
Exit handlers
This function stops python from printing a stacktrace when you hit control-C
def SIGINTHandler(signum, frame):
raise SystemExit
This function lets you run code on exit, including functions from myRotaryEncoder
def exitHandler():
print “Exiting”
Register exit handlers
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SIGINTHandler)
Read the value every second and detect motion
print “Position: {0}”.format(myRotaryEncoder.position())
But, I can’t understand, why I’m receiving only negative data in all ways of rotating
rotary_encoder = upmRotaryEncoder.RotaryEncoder(2, 3)
last_data = None
while (True):
current_data = rotary_encoder.position()
if current_data != last_data:
last_data = current_data
print("Position: {0}".format(last_data))