I have just bought a Grove Qwiic Hub - SKU 103020292
I have an Adafruit Clue that i want to connect to a Seeed 0.96 Grove OLED. SSD 1315 - SKU 104020208
If I connect the OLED whilst the Clue is plugged into Seeed Grove Shield for Micro:Bit - SKU 103030195 via the I2C port everything works fine.
However if I plug the the same OLED into the Grove port on the Qwiic hub and then plug the hub into the StemmaQT / Qwiic port on the top of the Clue i get no display on the OLED . I also don’t get any sort of error on the Clue so i presume it is seeing something on the I2C bus?
If i unplug the Hub the Clue reports that there is no device on the I2C bus.
If anyone can help I would be most grateful!