Grove nfc. St25

With the board, do they have uid on them. Is there HID compatible? That is read nfc tag and data to show on a spreadsheet. Only tag data required. For inventory tracking only. No data to be held on chip. No Arduino required unless for original coding for ST25. Thanks

Hi there,
Not sure what you are asking , But the Xiao supports a NFC TAG environment. You can program a response to the tag being scanned(NFC) if that is the question.
One application is , You scan the NFC tag to get the WiFi credentials is some setups like a talking tour or Museum guide.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Apologies for not explaining properly. There are numerous USB type rfid readers plug n play. They use HID protocol, just plug into laptop, open a spreadsheet, and pass a tag over the USB stick and it records on to the spreadsheet. However all of these have the same. Vid and pid, which is ok. But none of them have an id for that single specific reader. When running 2 or more readers you cannot from the spreadsheet determine which read came from which reader. All readings go into same column.
So is the Grove nfc st25dv64k device able to be set up with Hid or in some way, and use the uid on device, to include in the data read.
Just for inventory use. When tag reads, goes to spreadsheet, and macro uses uid to paste info into the ‘location’ of the object, as they move regularly.
Just a very basic read only of nfc tag required.

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very good question… i hope we will be able to get you an answer… please not it is the weekend so you may not get much till next week

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I look forward to see what is available.

Been doing a little research, would one of these chips be easily connected to carry out the HID:
(courtesy of Claude IA) Thanks

  • Microchip’s ATtiny85 with V-USB software implementation
  • FTDI’s FT260 chip
  • Silicon Labs’ CP2112 HID USB-to-SMBus bridge
  • NXP’s SC18IS602B I2C-to-USB HID bridge

Maybe a Arduino might be best ?