Grove Muscle Sensor + M5StickC - Need help );

Dear Seed Team, or anybody who can help me:

I am stuck with my current project, in which I want to use an M5StickC ESP32 board, which has a Grove port already installed and the SeeedStudio Grove - EMG muscle sensor.

however: The M5Stick can only process 3.3V Signals.
One huge concern about the device is the danger of damaging it by supplying its input pins with 5 Volts.

The short explanation is this: if my EMG sensor device outputs 5 volts on the Grove connector and on one of the female header pins and If 5 volts is returned to the M5StickC it may destroy the ESP32 board inside the M5StickC.

I would like to know how I can troubleshoot this.
I have already tried to measure the output voltage of my sensor, but since I only have a rather crude volt-meter, that did not lead to much. My highest Current-Reading was 20mA on the data Pin of the Grove connector.
Unfortunately Seeed studio does not provide enough data so that I could read up the maximal output wattage.
Will I fry my board when I plug the sensor directly into the Grove port or not?

Any help is appreciated!

Hi @Blobcat. From the Grove - EMG Detector Bazzar page description you can see that it

In standby mode, the output voltage is 1.5V. When detect muscle active, the output signal rise up, the maximum voltage is 3.3V. You can use this sensor in 3.3V or 5V system.

So you can power the grove with M5Stick grove port which has 3.3v.