Grove IR Emitter v1.2, not working for me

Hi, I am relatively new to arduino but can get every grove module I own to work and write basic if statements to do most things I need, but i am struggling with the Grove IR emitter. I can get the reciever to work fine by pointing remotes etc at it and capturing data using the raw recieve example at the Grove page -

however no matter what i do i cannot get the rawSend or the Sony example send to work. I have tried connecting a separate arduino board to my Com port to pick up signals and pointing the Emitter at it and it never picks it up. I have tried to connect to ports 2 and 3. I am using Arduino Mega 2560.

I have just about tried using every IR library possible and have bought another emitter sensor thinking mine was faulty.

I am using this code on the example link and have tried RawSend too, it seems very basic but being a relative noobie i wonder if i have left something out -

/* send.ino Example sketch for IRLib2
* Illustrates how to send a code.
#include <IRLibSendBase.h> // First include the send base
//Now include only the protocols you wish to actually use.
//The lowest numbered protocol should be first but remainder
//can be any order.
#include <IRLib_P01_NEC.h>
#include <IRLib_P02_Sony.h>
#include <IRLibCombo.h> // After all protocols, include this
// All of the above automatically creates a universal sending
// class called “IRsend” containing only the protocols you want.
// Now declare an instance of that sender.
IRsend mySender;
#define IR_SEND_PWM_PIN D3
void setup() {
delay(2000); while (!Serial); //delay for Leonardo
Serial.println(F(“Every time you press a key is a serial monitor we will send.”));
void loop() {
if ( != -1) {
//send a code every time a character is received from the
// serial port. You could modify this sketch to send when you
// push a button connected to an digital input pin.
//Substitute values and protocols in the following statement
// for device you have available.
mySender.send(SONY,0xa8bca, 20);//Sony DVD power A8BCA, 20 bits
//mySender.send(NEC,0x61a0f00f,0);//NEC TV power button=0x61a0f00f
Serial.println(F(“Sent signal.”));