Grove - IMU 9DOF gyro reading seems very noisy and off

Hello experts,

I am using Grove IMU 9DOF (ICM20600 & AK09918) hooked up with a NVidia Jetson Xavier board. I set the mode to low noise

# Set up the sensor
def __init__(self,):
	# configuration
	self.write_reg(0x00, self.ICM20600_CONFIG)
	# disable fifo		
	self.write_reg(0x00, self.ICM20600_FIFO_EN)
	# set default power mode
	# gyro config

The following code I am using to get the gyro reading

# Get raw gyro values
def getGyro(self):

	#2's compiment
	for i in range(3):
		if raw_gyro[i]>32767:

	return raw_gyro

# Get gyro values in dps
def getRealGyro(self):
	for i in range(3):
		realGyro[i] = round(gyro[i] / math.pow(2, 16)  * self.gyro_scale, 6)
	return realGyro

When I call in my main program the above getRealGyro() and convert the reading in radian per second and print it using

print("Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is %0.6f rps, %0.6f rps, %0.6f rps" %(math.radians(gyro[0]),math.radians(gyro[1]),math.radians(gyro[2])))

I get the folliwing readings:

Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.010653 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.014914 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.010653 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.022371 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.014914 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.022371 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.022371 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.022371 rps, 0.010653 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.023436 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.022371 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.022371 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.022371 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.022371 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.021305 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.003196 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.003196 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.014914 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.021305 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.023436 rps, 0.014914 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.023436 rps, 0.014914 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.012783 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.013848 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.020240 rps, 0.015979 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.011718 rps, 0.015979 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.011718 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.012783 rps, 0.015979 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.013848 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.018110 rps, 0.015979 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.013848 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.012783 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.013848 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.012783 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.011718 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.012783 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.019175 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.024501 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.027697 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.008522 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.027697 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.024501 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.022371 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.022371 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.012783 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.010653 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.004261 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.013848 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.005326 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.017044 rps, 0.006392 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.015979 rps, 0.020240 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.017044 rps, 0.018110 rps, 0.007457 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.014914 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.009587 rps
Gyro reading: X,Y,Z is -0.013848 rps, 0.019175 rps, 0.008522 rps

As the IMU is completely at rest these reading seems very noisy and off. I was expecting the rps readings would be very small and as it is operating in low noise mode the readings would not vary much.

Would appreciate if someone could shed some light on it.

Thanks in advance.

This is a standard behaviour. I would suggest using a Kalman filter to clean the raw data. See for example Using Arduino For Tangible Human Interaction.

Thanks for your reply. I got this site ( that talks about Kalman filter and has an implemnation of it. However, I have found one more issue while doing it. It seems my accelerometer reading has issues. It often outputs a very big value, e.g.,-124.946756 for the X-axis.
By the way, I took an average of 1000 samples during initialization and subtract it from the readings to offset any bias and the device was resting while reading the values.

Accelerometer readings:

Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -1.899756 mg, -4.213442 mg, -1.828915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -5.805756 mg, -1.772442 mg, -0.363915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -6.294756 mg, 2.621558 mg, 1.101085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -6.294756 mg, -2.260442 mg, 0.124085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 1.518244 mg, -0.307442 mg, -0.851915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 0.053244 mg, -3.237442 mg, 1.589085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -1.411756 mg, 2.133558 mg, -5.734915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -124.946756 mg, 2.621558 mg, -1.339915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 5.424244 mg, -0.795442 mg, 0.613085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -1.411756 mg, 3.598558 mg, 2.078085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -6.294756 mg, -0.795442 mg, -0.363915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -5.317756 mg, -2.749442 mg, -3.293915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 0.053244 mg, 2.133558 mg, -0.851915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -3.364756 mg, -2.260442 mg, -0.851915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -4.829756 mg, 1.645558 mg, 2.566085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -3.852756 mg, 0.180558 mg, -1.828915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 1.030244 mg, 1.645558 mg, 0.124085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 0.541244 mg, 3.598558 mg, 1.101085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 2.494244 mg, -0.307442 mg, 1.101085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -0.923756 mg, 2.133558 mg, -2.316915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -2.387756 mg, 0.668558 mg, -1.339915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -0.923756 mg, 0.180558 mg, -2.316915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 1.030244 mg, 1.157558 mg, 1.101085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 2.494244 mg, -2.749442 mg, 3.542085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -4.341756 mg, -3.725442 mg, 2.078085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 2.494244 mg, 3.110558 mg, -2.804915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 1.030244 mg, 1.157558 mg, -0.851915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -1.411756 mg, -0.795442 mg, 0.124085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -3.364756 mg, -0.307442 mg, -0.363915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -2.876756 mg, 3.598558 mg, -1.339915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 0.541244 mg, 1.645558 mg, -0.363915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -4.829756 mg, 4.575558 mg, 0.124085 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is -123.481756 mg, 1.645558 mg, -2.804915 mg
Accel reading: X,Y,Z is 0.053244 mg, -2.749442 mg, -0.363915 mg