Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp&Humi Sensor(SHT35)

I’m using a Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp&Humi Sensor(SHT35) and would like to connect it directly to an Arduino Nano - without a Grove - Base Shield.
I imported the Grove-SHT35 Sensor library, but when uploading the sketch Grove Temperature sensor SHT35 → basic_demo to the Arduino Nano it will not finish.

Is it possible to use a Grove I2C sensor directly with an Arduino without interface?

Yes, but on the hardware you need to wire it yourself.

Thanks very much, Baozhu, indeed now it works fine.
So, it is possible to link a Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp&Humi Sensor(SHT35) directly to an Anrduino Nano, provided, the wiring and the software are ok.

You can try it, I think you can, but you need to test it.