Hello everyone,
I have set up my module according to seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-BLE(dual_model_v1.0 as follows:
- BLE peripheral mode (AT+ROLB0)
- BLE PIN: 123789 (AT+PINB123789)
- Restart (AT+RESET)
Then I used the app LightBlue on my iPhone to connect to the module, but it connected right away and didn’t ask for any PIN, I could also send AT commands via LightBlue such as AT+PINE or AT+SCAN or AT+BAUD.
I am using the module to control my fan via AT+PIO but it is totally insecure if someone can also use LightBlue to connect and send AT+PIO to the module and mess it up.
How do we tackle this problem? Thank you very much in advance.
Hieu Nguyen.